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A traditional form of martial art that started in Kerala.The influence of Kalaripayattu is evident in the indigenous art forms of Kerala such as Kathakali, Kolkali, Teyyam, Poorakkali, Velakali etc. Kalaripayattu is the oldest existing martial art form, dating back more than 2000 years

Pulikali Team

Pulikali or Tiger dance, one of the popular folk art forms popular in Kerala during Onam festival.Pulikali is a rural art form which is about 200 years old. Pulakali Dance is a part of the Onam festivities (Thiruvonam) and is generally performed on the fourth day of the onam fesivals.As part of the performance, groups of local men would have their bodies and faces painted to resemble tigers.this event generates a great deal of excitement

Mayoora Nritham

We are a pioneer in performing arts of kerela . we perform our events all over the country. we also provide artist based on the clients needs .we ensure prompt response at your request .And we advise you to book in an advance of two months due to heavy and tight schedules.


Kathakali dance team